Logo des Sachverständigenbüros Emme

Sampler for Textile and Clothing

Modified commodity flows, as well as trading and financial transactions, some of which are very complex, require the safeguarding of the associated contractual risks. The customer must feel certain that the goods will be delivered in the promised quantities and with the promised properties.

Samplers are traditionally commissioned mainly with the taking of representative samples of raw materials and bulk goods. During discussions with professionals from the textile and clothing industry, one rightly often hears the term: "textiles are alive“. As a result of my specialisation and many years' experience of dealing with these groups of articles, the many special aspects of textiles are known to me and can be taken into account accordingly.

For my work as a publicly appointed and sworn sampler for textiles and clothing I have specialised very specifically in the sampling of materials from the entire "textile chain".

This means that the qualified and unbiased sampling of textile fibres, yarns, textile surfaces, clothing, textile consumer goods and related products can be carried out.

Besides commercial enterprises, banks and insurance companies, public authorities and courts are also interested in the unbiased taking of representative samples.