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Appraisal and Assessment of Clothing Textiles

Day-to-day business is becoming increasingly fast-moving and hectic. Companies which deal with fashion in particular are familiar with this development all too well.

As a result of the hectic pace of modern business it is logical that misunderstandings and mistakes occur. Due to changed customer-supplier relationships and the very specific requirement profiles it is not always easy to reach an amicable agreement concerning any complaints received.

This is where an expert report can be of assistance. Due to the impartiality of the expert in conjunction with his or her qualified expert knowledge, an expert report creates the basis for a matter-of-fact discussion.

In addition to the objective assessment of cases of damage or loss, the question also frequently arises of the amount of loss incurred. This task can be dealt with within the framework of appraisal reports. Here the basis for further discussions and negotiations is created for the customer by taking into account the different framework conditions.